Friday, February 17, 2012

At the base

It is just about 2 in the morning instead of catching a few zee's I am up putting pen to paper (not literally); with a full day in front of me and my brain ticking over time. I can only but wonder what will the course of the day be like and what to wear.

With a networking event in the early afternoon it is always a tad bit tricky to relay confidence but not over sell ones self, a balancing act of a sort. First time networking events (depending on the audience) is always a bit like an interview or initiation of a sort. Fearing all unpredictability there is no reason not to look remotely fabulous for a very wintry day.

Cuff: Gifted | Top and Trousers: Primarni |
Cardigan: Goodwill | Barrette: Block party

With it being so cold I immediately gravitated to a turtle neck with thick trousers. I love that you can use two base colours and intertwine them without looking daunting. Grey and black tend to be those colours that offers endless versatility. To add a flare as well as complement the outfit bold and coloured accessories can were added.


  1. this is a cute office look please visit my blog

    1. I know its been ages - Thanks for popping by.


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